The Consumer Protection Federal Law No. 15 of 2020 repealed Federal Law No. 24 of 2006. The new law intends to protect all consumer rights, including the right to receive goods and services of a consistent quality, at the declared price. It also aims to protect the consumer's health and safety while using the items or receiving the service. Consumer data, too, is protected under the law, and suppliers are prohibited from exploiting it for marketing purposes.
All goods and services supplied or provided by suppliers, advertisers, and commercial agents in the UAE's mainland and free zones are covered by the law. It also applies to items offered through UAE-based eCommerce sites. The rule does not apply to eCommerce transactions between UAE clients and eCommerce enterprises registered outside the UAE.
Under the Ministry of Economy, the Department of Economic Development (DED) in each emirate deals with consumer rights issues and implements plans and procedures related to consumer protection laws. It receives consumer complaints and raises consumer awareness about their rights and duties. Hence, in case of an infringement, the consumer can approach the DEDs.
Procedure for filing a complaint:
It's necessary to note that the complaint should be filed with the DED of the emirate where the purchase was made. Also, double-check that the defendant's trade license was issued in the emirate where you're filing your case.
Channels through which complaints can be filed:
Contact number of respective DEDs
Email of DEDs
Personal Visit or Online Website of DEDs
Steps to file an online complaint in Dubai: (The rest of the emirates have a similar procedure for filing a complaint.)
Step 1: Visit the Department of Economy’s Consumer Rights website.
Step 2: Go to the ‘Submit Complaint’ tab. Then click on Consumer Complaints (C2B).
Step 3: You will receive a prompt. Go through the instructions and click on the ‘Confirm’ button.
Step 4: Enter your details such as name, mobile number, email, and nationality.
Step 5: Enter the details of the defendant such as name, sector, complaint type, subject, and details.
Step 6: Attach the relevant documents such as receipt or contract.
Step 7: Agree to the terms and conditions by checking the box. Then click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Details required to submit to file a consumer complaint, regardless of the emirate:
Mobile Number
Complaint details
Copy of complainant’s identity
Purchase invoice or any other document that prove the commercial transaction conducted between the two parties.
It is imperative to preserve the purchase invoice, guarantee, or any other document that demonstrates you received the commodity or service. This is to ensure that the consumer receives the best solution for their complaint. It is advised to include precise and specific information in the complaint so that the authorities can follow up on it and find an appropriate solution for the consumer as quickly as possible
In 2013, the Ministry began a section on its website to announce the recall of items that have been damaged. This step was taken to protect the interests of customers, retailers, and suppliers and to preserve market stability. This service allows the provider, concerned or relevant entity in the UAE, country of origin, or any other country to track the recall of faulty or hazardous items.
Under the current law, the consumer has the right to obtain fair compensation for damages they suffer as a result of purchasing or using defective goods or receiving inadequate or unprofessional services. Suppliers that fail to give clear information and labelling, advertise misleading prices and incorrect data on goods and services, or repair or replace a defective product without charge will face a two-year prison sentence and a fine of up to AED two million.
Below are the relevant links to the appropriate DEDs:
The Ministry also has a hotline (600-522-225) through which you can obtain information about infringements of consumer rights. You can also send your queries at the Ministry’s email – For any enquiries or information, contact or call us on +971 52 644 3004
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