
Abu Dhabi Launches WhatsApp Reporting for Abuse of Children of Determination

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on March 16, 2024, 12:43:49

Abu Dhabi, Zayed Higher Organisation of Determination, report, abuse, WhatsApp, children

The Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination (ZHO) has introduced official channels for reporting cases of abuse involving children of determination in Abu Dhabi.

In celebration of Emirati Children's Day, ZHO unveiled a community-driven initiative by establishing official channels for reporting cases linked to child protection within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

This initiative is designed to address suspected instances of abuse that individuals with determination might encounter. It includes an email address (pod.cp@zho.gov.ae), a hotline, and a WhatsApp service for reporting (0542003366).

Additionally, there is a dedicated section on the organisation's internal website specifically for employees regarding individuals with disabilities associated with the institution. The aim is to ensure the creation of a supportive environment conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of children.

The initiative reinforces the role of the Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination in safeguarding and promoting the well-being of children with disabilities, thereby endorsing the approach of prudent leadership and diligent efforts to prioritise the best interests of the child above all other considerations.

The service encompasses preventive measures aimed at establishing a safe environment free from all forms of physical, psychological and sexual abuse, exploitation and discrimination.

This is achieved by implementing reporting channels for suspected cases of abuse, monitoring and providing protection and enhancing the necessary capacities to address cases of child abuse among individuals with disabilities in collaboration with other relevant entities, within the framework of shared social responsibility.

As part of the initiative's implementation, the ZHO has trained 23 of its staff to become certified judicial officers specialising in child protection within the institution. A new job title, Child Protection Specialist, has been introduced and designated for this purpose.

Abdullah Abdul Aali Al Hameedan, Secretary-General of the Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination, expressed his delight in launching this initiative on Emirati Children's Day under the slogan “The Right to Protection.”

He underscored the country's efforts to uphold children's rights, stating, "The UAE has prioritised childcare and attention since the establishment of the Union, with clear provisions in the constitution affirming that society includes the nurturing of motherhood and childhood, and that the family constitutes the nucleus of society."

Fatima Al Hashemi, a Child Protection Specialist at the ZHO, remarked: "The initiative focuses on the rights of children with disabilities and aims to ensure the implementation of mechanisms and measures to safeguard children within the institution, providing a secure environment to shield them from anything that jeopardises their physical or psychological well-being, and empowering children with their rights, particularly the right to protection.

“This entails adopting a reporting system for suspected cases of abuse of any kind or violations of their rights within the institution's facilities, during transportation on buses, and during external activities organised by the institution.

The initiative also seeks to provide protection, social and psychological support and follow-up care for children and individuals with disabilities in cases of abuse."

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