
Call for more Parental control to control Minor Crimes

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on July 14, 2023, 17:41:00

driving lessons started age half Emirate

While driving lessons can be started at the age of 17 and a half in the Emirate, the minimum age to be licensed to drive a vehicle as per law is 18.

If an adult gives a minor access to a car and permits him to drive, he/she will also be held accountable. This year, the police dealt with 38 instances of minors driving vehicles without having a license. The juvenile prosecution in Dubai reported that since the beginning of this year, it had handled 162 cases involving 241 juveniles as some of them are quite young. A significant majority of juvenile cases are handled at police stations under the "victim care program." The program also investigates the reasons behind these crimes.

According to Col. Mubrah Al Kuttbi, Director of Hatta Police Station, “the young teens were apprehended during increased inspections against irresponsible driving during the first half of this year”. In the Hatta region, police patrols found minors between the ages of 13 and 16 operating their parents' vehicles without a license.

The Police Chief urged parents to keep an eye on their kids, prevent them from driving without a license, and steer them away from risky racing activities that endanger their and others’ lives. Being mindful about the fact that the lives of minors who unlawfully drive vehicles and other road users are at risk, parents and schools must also educate their children about the risks involved.

During the commencement of the holidays, parents should sign up their children for various summer activities and programs. In curbing negative behaviour and practices among children, the family's role is very important. Parents need to come up with useful activities for their kids that will greatly improve their behaviour.

Recently, the police detained several of these young boys, summoned their parents, and had them sign a statement promising to prevent their children from engaging in any behaviour that would be harmful to the society.

According to Article 51 of the Federal Law No. 21 of 1995 concerning Traffic, a person who is found to be driving a vehicle without a valid license shall be liable to an amount of up to AED 5,000 and/or imprisonment of up to three months. Teenagers tend to prefer a sedentary lifestyle throughout the summer season.

For any enquiries or information, contact ask@tlr.ae or call us on +971 52 644 3004

