
Donald Trump Wins Supreme Court Battle over Colorado Primary Vote

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on March 5, 2024, 16:34:06


Donald trump, united states, president elction, colorado

Former President Donald Trump emerged victorious in a pivotal Supreme Court battle concerning his eligibility for the Colorado Republican primary ballot.

The Supreme Court unanimously overturned a prior decision by Colorado's top court, which had barred Trump from the state's ballot due to his alleged role in inciting and supporting the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021.

The justices' ruling paved the way for Trump's inclusion in Colorado's Republican primary, slated for the same day as the ruling. With Trump positioned as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, his only remaining competitor, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, now faces an uphill battle.

Notably, Trump had also faced disqualification from primary ballots in Maine and Illinois based on the same constitutional provision, pending the outcome of the Colorado case. However, those decisions were temporarily stayed pending the Supreme Court's judgment.

While the Supreme Court justices unanimously concurred, liberal and conservative justices alike emphasised that the opinion exceeded the immediate case's scope by indicating that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which bars individuals who engaged in insurrection from holding office, could only be enforced through federal legislation.

The landmark case marked the Supreme Court's first encounter with a provision of the 14th Amendment, adopted post-Civil War to prevent former insurrectionists from holding public office.

Observers warn that the requirement for congressional action to enforce Section 3 could lead to renewed battles, potentially even sparking a constitutional crisis if Democrats were to challenge Trump's election under the clause in a Democrat-controlled Congress.

The legal skirmish is just one among several legal entanglements Trump has faced since leaving office. He currently faces criminal charges related to election interference and mishandling of confidential documents, as well as civil cases involving fraud and sexual abuse, with significant financial penalties looming.

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