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Dubai Eases Travel Ban Rules for Divorced Parents, Removing Restrictions

AuthorStaff WriterJun 14, 2024, 10:26 AM


Dubai has relaxed regulations for divorced parents travelling abroad with their children. According to Dubai Courts, the new procedure permanently lifts the travel ban once the sponsor's approval is obtained. This change simplifies the process for parents and their children to enter and exit the UAE.

“This process … accelerates the procedures of cancelling the travel ban in the system immediately after it is signed by the judge,” the authority said on Thursday.

Salem Mohammed Al Misfri, head of the Personal Status Execution Department at the Dubai Courts, said the procedure previously involved several time-consuming steps. First, a judge had to issue a decision after the sponsor’s approval, after which a letter was sent to the Criminal Investigation Department to temporarily cancel the travel ban.

As stated on the official UAE government portal website, custody in divorce cases is typically awarded to mothers, while fathers act as 'guardians' responsible for the child's financial support.

Previously, leaving the country with a child without the other parent's consent could be considered 'child abduction,' leading to severe legal repercussions for the parent involved. If there are concerns, either parent can secure a travel ban to prevent the child from leaving the airport.

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