
Global Push for Ecocide as an International Crime: Implications for the UAE and GCC Nations

Exploring the Potential Legal Framework, Environmental Accountability, and Regional Impact of Recognizing Ecocide in International Law

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Pavitra Shetty

Published on September 17, 2024, 16:14:31

world grapples consequences climate change concept ecocideacts

As the world grapples with the consequences of climate change, the concept of "ecocide"—acts that destroy ecosystems—is gaining traction as a potential international crime, akin to genocide or war crimes. Countries like Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa, particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation, have formally requested the International Criminal Court (ICC) to recognize ecocide as an international crime. This move could pave the way for prosecuting company leaders or even nations that knowingly contribute to environmental destruction.

However, the largest polluters, including China, Russia, India, and the United States, are not ICC members, which may challenge the effectiveness of any rulings. Despite this, proponents believe that criminalizing ecocide would create powerful deterrents, influencing policymakers to adopt stricter environmental protections. Jojo Mehta, co-founder of Stop Ecocide International, highlights that criminal law establishes both moral and legal boundaries, making extreme environmental harm unacceptable.

What is Ecocide?

The term ecocide was coined in the 1970s by Arthur Galston, a Yale University biologist, who campaigned against the use of the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam War due to its devastating environmental and health impacts. Today, ecocide is being defined as “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe, widespread, or long-term damage to the environment.” Examples include oil spills, deforestation, and the emission of large quantities of greenhouse gases by fossil fuel companies.

Ecocide in the UAE and GCC Context

For countries in the UAE and the GCC, which have experienced rapid industrialization and development, this debate could have significant implications. These nations are major oil producers, with economic models historically reliant on fossil fuel exports. At the same time, the region has seen increasing vulnerability to climate change, such as rising temperatures, water scarcity, and extreme weather events.

The UAE, in particular, has made significant strides in environmental sustainability. The UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative demonstrates the country’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, emphasizing renewable energy, sustainable city planning, and innovative technologies. Expo 2020 Dubai showcased these efforts on a global stage, reinforcing the UAE’s focus on a green economy.

However, the prospect of ecocide becoming an international crime could introduce legal and financial risks for companies in the region. For instance, oil spills or environmental damage from industrial projects might expose businesses to prosecution if ecocide were criminalized globally. This would put additional pressure on companies to adopt more sustainable practices and comply with evolving international regulations.

Ecocide as a Legal Framework for the GCC

In the GCC, where countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE are transitioning to more diversified economies, the legal recognition of ecocide might act as a catalyst for accelerating green initiatives. While these nations are not currently part of the ICC, introducing ecocide into international law could create new legal frameworks that might encourage or require regional collaboration on environmental protections.

From a legal perspective, the GCC countries would need to consider the impact on their industrial sectors, particularly oil and gas, construction, and tourism, which can have significant environmental footprints. Legal scholars argue that aligning national laws with international standards on environmental crimes may become essential for GCC nations as they seek to balance economic growth with sustainable development.

The Push for Accountability

For the low-lying island nations, the fight against ecocide is about survival. These nations, including Vanuatu and Fiji, are facing rising sea levels and increasingly destructive storms due to climate change. For them, criminalizing ecocide offers the potential for justice and deterring further environmental damage.

In the GCC, where climate change is also being felt, although in different forms, the push for accountability could resonate. Water scarcity, desertification, and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events are real concerns. Legal recognition of environmental harm could help address these issues while ensuring that industries contribute to sustainability rather than environmental degradation.


The proposal to classify ecocide as an international crime signals a global shift toward holding individuals and nations accountable for environmental harm. For the UAE and GCC countries, this could mean increased international pressure to align with environmental protections, further supporting their sustainability goals. While the road to making ecocide an international crime may be long, it underscores the growing importance of protecting the environment in the face of climate change—a challenge that transcends borders and demands global cooperation

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