In a shocking turn of events, a court in Delhi turned into a gangster firing scene, where individuals dressed as Advocates entered the court with guns and fired at a rival gang leader. A petition has been filed before the Delhi High Court, requesting that the Delhi Police and the Delhi Bar Council take steps to safeguard the safety and security of Delhi District Courts. The petitioner proposes that Delhi Police be given strict instructions to guarantee that all police personnel stationed at court gates examine the ID cards of each and every lawyer, and that those police officers who fail to implement the same face serious consequences. In terms of the Delhi Bar Council, it has been advised that an advice be issued to all District Bar Associations urging members of their bar to cooperate with police officers at court entrances. This incident has been heavily condemned by the legal fraternity as a severe dearth of efficiency in court security mechanisms and officials, while also posing serious questions on security of lawyers, judges and other individuals at a court.
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