
India: Supreme Court Dismisses NLS’ Appeal Against Order to Promote Student

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on July 14, 2023, 17:41:00


Dismisses-NLS' Appeal

The Supreme Court of India, this week, made a decision whereby it decided to interfere in the disciplinary matters of the National Law School of India University reasoning that judicial intervention has become necessary. The backdrop of the case was a Karnataka HC decision which set aside the university’s decision to not promote the petitioner student to the fourth year owing to failure in one of the subjects. The student was failed since he was not awarded marks in his project on the subject concerned, owing to alleged plagiarism. The Karnataka HC directed the university to assess and award marks for the project. The student was also denied an opportunity to write repeat exam. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal by the university against the said decision by the HC division bench.

