In a thoroughly defiant stand the State government of Tamil Nadu has concluded based on the report of a Committee headed by former HC justice A.K. Rajan that the National Admission Test for Medical Entrance, called National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET), does not bring meritorious students fair admissions, and has legislated to dispense with the said entrance exam altogether from having control over admissions in their State. Admissions to UG courses in medicine, dentistry, Indian medicine, and homoeopathy will be made on the basis of marks acquired by a student in Class XII as per the Bill. While putting the Bill across to the legislature, the Chief Minister stated that because admittance to medical education courses are traceable to entry 25 of List III, Schedule VII of the Constitution, the state government has the authority to regulate them. From 2017, NEET was made the common entrance exam for Medical Aspirants across states and education boards.
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