
Instagram Floats Celebratory Filters for UAE Passport Holders

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on July 14, 2023, 17:41:00


Instagram, Floats, Celebratory Filters for UAE passport holders

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the UAE's founding, Instagram has launched a celebratory filter for UAE passport holders. Instagram created the filter in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC) for UAE passport and Expo passport holders.

UAE is the first country in the world to have this filter on the social networking site. Users can activate the filter by pointing the camera at their passport cover, which includes colourful confetti, the golden 50 figure, and the UAE national anthem.

The Passport Index, an interactive online tool that provides users with insights on passports and allows them to compare and rate passports of different nations, named the UAE passport the strongest in the world in October of this year. The ranking is based on passport holders' freedom of movement and visa-free travel.

The UAE passport featured on Instagram as the first filter of its kind is a mirror of the nation working hard with technology and innovation partners on the global level. UAE is expanding the nation's multilateral system, international relations, and positive diplomacy, which are founded on the values of equality, tolerance, and mutual respect. It reaffirms the UAE's position as a country that serves society's common interests.

The UAE's Golden Jubilee celebrations reflect on the nation's historic achievements, encouraging UAE citizens living in the UAE and around the world to share the filter, interact, and celebrate together in unity.

The aim is to build national strategic projects that will pave the way for the country's new era of governance, economic, and social development. The nation will be looking forward to the next five decades.

