
Kuwait's Ministry of Finance Suggests Revision of Expat Gratuity

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on July 14, 2023, 17:41:00

Revision of Expat Gratuity

Kuwait's Ministry of Finance Suggests Revision of Expat Gratuity

The Constitutional Court of Kuwait has issued its verdict in an end-of-service gratuity case after expats complained that they wouldn’t receive their gratuity amount.

The case involved an appeal against a Civil Service Commission decision stating that expatriates working for the government were required to leave the country in order to receive their end-of-service gratuity. It also prohibited expatriate government employees from transferring to the private sector.

The Ministry of Finance on the other hand, has issued a circular to Government agencies about the rules of the draft budget for 2022/2023 fiscal year. The Ministry also suggested that the indemnity and gratuity dues towards the expatriates have to be estimated and included in the end-of-service compensation clause of the draft budget.

