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Law Conference Praises UAE’s Legal Framework that Supports Coexistence & Tolerance

AuthorStaff WriterJul 14, 2023, 1:41 PM

Participants at the 28th Law Conference, organised by the ‎College of Law at the UAE University have praised the UAE's legal system that promotes coexistence and tolerance.

The conference titled “Law for a better world to enhance values of coexistence” was organised in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The participants praised the UAE’s vital role in creating a social, cultural, and ‎economic legal environment that enhances values of coexistence and ‎tolerance between individuals and societies, at all levels.

Dr. Jenan Al Bastaki, Assistant Dean for Research and ‎Graduate Studies and the Chairperson of the Conference Organising ‎Committee, said that the conference has succeeded in ‎raising contemporary issues in human rights, tolerance and ‎inclusion in the knowledge society through four main sessions ‎over two days.

The conference shed light on the importance of the ‎legislative framework in protecting values of coexistence and ‎tolerance to ensure effective adoption of these ‎values.‎

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