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Ministry Brings New Decisions On University Admission Process

AuthorStaff WriterJul 14, 2023, 1:41 PM

The Ministry of Education(MoE) in the UAE has announced a new circular that asserts that students who graduated from private schools in the UAE and any public or private school internationally can apply for an exemption from equivalency requirements at university-level admissions in the country, granted that the student has a "No Objection" letter. 

Students can be conditionally admitted and are excused from requirements such as the Emirates Standardized Test (EmSAT) and passing bridging courses for equivalency.

According to Dr. Abdulla Al Karam, director general of the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), this will help Dubai's growing private educational institutions, which are expected to number 216 in the academic year 2022–2023 and offer more than 17 different curricula, as well as help Dubai create a diverse and top–tier educational system.

The Minister of Education, H.E Dr. Ahmad bin Abdullah Belhoul Al Falasi stated that the new circular serves in the best interest of students to help them reach clear and flexible paths to get final admission in higher education with the condition being that they have to successfully pass an academic year. 

According to the circular, to obtain conditional admission, to the higher education institution the student must have passed the bridging courses elaborated in the letter of no objection issued by the MoE or pass with twenty-four credits or one academic year in their major.

The “No Objection to be Conditionally Admitted” letter given by students to institutions also requires the institution to give semester-end reports on the same, including their data on the student, their results, and decisions on the student’s status. Such NOCs are documents issued by organizations, institutions, or individuals. It has to be mandatorily drafted in both English and Arabic templates which are available online.

The Ministry is working to improve the educational services with the circular after consulting and surveying students and faculty at the university level.

MoE is trying its best to diversify the education system and improve the student's skills and knowledge to achieve strategic goals in sustainable and economic development. Regarding its previous program INTILAQA, it aims to prepare its students to be capable enough to apply and register the prestigious national and international universities and meet the demands of the labour market.

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