NCEMA Announces COVID Guidelines for Iftar

The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has coordinated with its main partners and announced the protocols governing the setting-up of Iftar tents during the Holy Month of Ramadan, this year.
WAM reported that this announcement is in line with the national strategy to maintain public health and safety in light of the resumption of various public activities.
Prior permits to set up Iftar tents will have to be obtained from the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC), according to the protocol. Setting up of these tents, defining the numbers of participants for each tent, and allotting their locations will be approved the local committees and NCEMA in coordination with the ERC.
The protocol also suggests that Iftar tents must be designed in the form of a canopy that is open from all sides or be air-conditioned. Incorporating all required safety and protection systems must also be followed.
Tent capacity shall be determined by the local committees and teams of each emirate, with the participants to maintain a minimum of 1 metre distance between each other. Provisions for security guards or volunteers must be made to organise the entry and exit process.
Posters reminding guests about the norms of social distancing, avoiding handshakes, sanitization and wearing masks must be posted on all entrances and exits.
Iftar tents should open two hours before the time of Iftar (Maghrib call to prayer) to avoid congestion, with the mandatory application of the Green Pass system according to the rules in place by each emirate.
Iftar tent organisers or personnel are to provide masks and sanitization tools while directing guests to adhere to all precautionary and preventive measures, including mask-wearing, social distancing, and constant hand sanitization.
Using disposable table covers is mandatory, according to the protocol. It also recommends disposable plates, cups and spoons for each individual while ensuring that guests are seated one meter apart on dining tables.
NCEMA noted that all measures announced in the current protocol are subject to modification based on the global and local health situation. The NCEMA also called on the public to cooperate and adhere to COVID-19 counter-measures in order to maintain the post pandemic recovery gains secured by the country.
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