
UAE: Sharjah’s New COVID Protocol’s Released on Social Events

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Staff Writer, TLR

Published on July 14, 2023, 17:41:00


Sharjah,  COVID Protocols

The Emirate of Sharjah has updated their protocol on social events including home gatherings via Sharjah Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Team (SECDMT). The new updates stress on social distancing of 4 meters, number of attendees being not more than 50 people at home and 100 people in halls of the Districts and Villages Affairs Department. The most recent modifications also permit the installation of wedding tents with a capacity of no more than 200 people, provided that all safety precautions are taken and social distance is maintained. Only people who have been properly vaccinated and who have the Al Hosn App's green pass system can attend the activities. The Team advised sticking to half the capacity of each table and limiting the duration to four hours. The Team stressed on their reliance in people to face this situation and has also made it a point to warn people with chronic illnesses to not attend events.

