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Motor Insurance Claims For Third Party Actions

AuthorStaff WriterJul 14, 2023, 1:41 PM

Even if the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, the damage caused by an accident could be covered by the insurance policy of the vehicle owner in the UAE. However, there are a few conditions that must be met for this to occur.

The UAE's Insurance Authority says that if a person drives another person's car and the car gets into an accident because of a set of unforeseeable factors, the owner's insurance policy should cover the damage if the driver’s age was over 25 and had a driver's license for more than a year. This is the unified policy on car insurance. The owner of the insurance policy will be required to pay an additional ten percent fee over the excess amount that he would have paid over the cost that is covered by the policy if the person driving the car at the time of the accident is younger than 25 years old or holds a driver's license that was issued less than a month ago.

When it comes to luxury automobiles, for which insurance companies charge higher premiums due to the high cost of their claims, this procedure is slightly different. In such instances, the insurance company may include additional special clauses in the contract prior to issuing the insurance policy to reduce the likelihood of an accident involving the insured vehicle.

These clauses may have requirements like no one under the age of 30 is driving the car, or they may have a "named driver policy" that requires the policyholder to provide a list of names before the policy is issued to allow a certain number of people to drive the insured car.

Black points are a string of severe fines imposed to deter traffic lawbreakers from breaking additional laws in the future. In Dubai, traffic violations are caught on camera by roadside cameras. Along with the black points, this offense is added to the driver's record. Within 48 hours of the incident being recorded in the driver's file, the driver receives an SMS notification regarding the same. A driver can receive one to 24 black points, with 24 being the most severe. The court will deal with any violation committed by a driver with over 24 black points, to which the driver's license may be confiscated.

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