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Know Your Agent Before You Dream To Move Out

AuthorStaff WriterJul 14, 2023, 1:40 PM

Attractive hoardings, billboards, and flyers among the advertising materials may tempt one to walk into the cozy office to be assured of a job in the Gulf Countries or elsewhere, including the west. There surely are chances that the embellished office spaces of the agent may turn out to be a death knell for the innocent dreamer.

There have been many incidents when migrant workers to different countries, especially the Middle East, have been duped of their fortune, lured by the lucrative jobs on offer.

In a pro-active move, the Protector of Emigrants under the Ministry of External Affairs periodically publishes the list of legal overseas recruitment agencies functioning in a city. Here is a list of such agencies in Mangalore, Karnataka, one of the coastal cities that is a gateway to the dream world of the Middle East.  Any other agency claiming to be recruiting for other countries is illegal/unauthorized, the communication from the department stated.

Requirement of Registration

The Emigration Act, 1983, under Section 10, mandates that the recruitment agencies wishing to recruit Indian Talent to work abroad need to register themselves with the Protector of Emigrants, which is the official registering authority under the Ministry of External Affairs, GoI. The said registration needs to be applied for with the prescribed fee and form. Once the Registration Certificate is obtained, they have the right to conduct operations under the signatures and seal of the director/partners/proprietor, and the Certificate is not transferable. A sure-shot way to verify the genuineness of your agent is to check if their names exist on the list of authentic recruiting agents ( RA-List). Find the list here. ( In case the site shows a privacy error, click on advanced and proceed to the site to view the list)

TLR will give the authorized list from different towns and cities subsequently. Click here to view the list for Mangalore, India.